Recent wins

Delicatessen w/ Prior Claim

Insured snapshot
  • Had one previous claim
  • Premier Package
  • Cyber Liability Add-On
  • Delicatessen classified as Fast Food Restaurants (Commercial Cooking, No Table Service)
Covering agent
This Deli had a fire and we struggled to get replacement coverage. We knew that could work with underwriting and have a conversation so we could place the risk together given the building now has all new equipment and updates, it actually makes it a good risk that other carriers fail to see due to their strict guidelines. Having an underwriter that can be logical and talk a risk through with you is vital to success.
Donna Bolin
Emmanuel Insurance
Why we won

Insured had a prior loss due to a faulty installation of a refrigerator unit. Even though the insured upgraded all refrigerators to avoid a repeat occurrence, other carriers were unwilling to offer terms. Rainbow worked with the agent to win the business.

Bill Deemer
Head of Underwriting
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Fast food restaurant
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