Add an extra layer of protection in case of catastrophe or large claims.
Most risks that are eligible for Rainbow’s BOP will also qualify for XS. Available XS limits: General Liability: $3M Each Occurrence / $3M General Aggregate Liquor Liability: $1M Each Common Cause / $1M Aggregate
Property Coverages
Robust options customized for each policy.
Business Interruption
Equipment Breakdown
Utility Service Interruption
Business Personal Property
And more…
Liquor Liability
Robust options customized for each policy.
Covering businesses with up to 65% liquor sales.
Liability Coverages
Protection for today’s evolving business exposures.
Employment Practice Liability
Cyber Liability
Tenant's Liability
General Liability
And More...
Business Owner's Policy (BOP)
General liability and property coverage bundled together.
Our BOP is a significantly enhanced program built 100% for restaurants, complete with coverages that suit any concept’s needs.
Rainbow has an amazing culture. The Rainbow team is personable, responsive, and supportive. When you combine these attributes with a great product, the sky is the limit. Our agency is looking forward to growing our partnership.